How to Invest In & Own Real Estate with Little Money
FundRebel is the new all-access platform offering participation in commercial real estate investing to everyone from the small-time worker to the seasoned big-time player. The opportunity to take part of direct ownership in assets is the catalyst for generating wealth for you and your family.
All you need to get started is a crack in the door.
Who can invest in FundRebel funds?
“You typically have to have seed capital to start real estate investing, but it’s always been a big boys’ club…you have to have a lot of money to start. FundRebel allows the small-time person to invest in real estate and be part of the greater community of real estate. You can continue to be yourself and have a portfolio, or own a portion of a portfolio of apartments that are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. And that’s the key here. Everyone looks around and sees the big-time players, but nobody realizes that a lot of those players are second or third generation money, and for them to get in, they had those buildings gated from their father, grandfather, or great-grandfather. FundRebel allows the average person to buy in and be part of the ecosystem of real estate.” - Allen Konstam, FundRebel Chief Operations Officer
Investing in real estate with little money is the kind of opportunity FundRebel is all about. Breaking the gilded world of commercial real estate means extending possibilities to people who otherwise couldn’t join in. Anyone from a small, to moderate, to extremely high income can invest in the FundRebel institution-level real estate investments.
If you have $1000, you have direct ownership calling your name.
If you have $1 million, you have direct ownership (likely already) calling your name.
Each type of investor brings something unique to the table. It’s an activated energy that builds on itself, and this increases the value of the investment. To sweeten the deal across all spectrums, there’s currently a 6% preferred return offering for smaller investors and an 8% preferred return for qualified early investors of $1M or more of the inaugural FundRebel Dean, which is in addition to dividend payments. Like always, we want to show you how even a real estate investment of a little money can have an impact on your personal wealth.
How does ownership of the investments work?
The ownership of each fund’s assets will be split among the people who hold shares in the fund. At any time after the fund is closed, if anyone wants to sell their shares, they can do so at any time to anyone they know or to put it on the secondary marketplace for sale. This valuable secondary marketplace offers a space where the family of FundRebel owners can sell or trade their shares as they like..
As a fund investor, you actually directly own a portion of the property. And you’ll own it until you decide to sell your shares or the fund managers liquidate the assets and pay out the appropriate proportionate amount to each shareholder.
FundRebel is the crack in the door
If you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to enter real estate investing but didn’t know how or when it would be possible, FundRebel is your answer. We’re a group of big-game hunters and possibility makers who are hell-bent on breaking down doors on the gilded world of real estate so that everyone can own their future and drive forward their personal wealth. FundRebel was founded by an accomplished team of commercial real estate developers with a proven track record of decades of developing millions of square feet of real estate themselves.
And they’re here not only to share with you what they learned, but to invite you along for the ride.
“There’s no better value you can put in people’s lives than money in their pocket…and furthermore, how to make money.” - Husein I. Sonara, FundRebel Chief Strategy Officer
Begin your journey today of investing with little money with FundRebel Dean.